Online Browser Games KhanWars XS Software Madmoo free rip
Online Browser Games KhanWars XS Software Madmoo free rip
Supposedly free online games - but real: nothing goes without a lot of money in Khan Wars!
I once had started the game 3 months ago KhanWars, thought, minimum time required for an online game and KhanWars costs nothing, so is fine.
Level 22, own alliance with 5 players, among the top 35 at the alliances formed.
Positive by KhanWars: Highly addictive, is cheaper entry, your money "only" donation (Tax sleep well)
Negative by KhanWars of money for all sorts of things to spend huge time in several weeks, negative influence of your private appointments in the final phase You think of nothing else
But honestly, if you wants to play top, is 10 euros per week nothing, and only those who PERMANENT is online, can conduct themselves in a war czar, and his best by 1 clock at night again online. And get up at 3 again, if you will be attacked. If you has no work or shirk school then it is ok....
Money to pay you when your troops are more likely to arrive, will be more motivated if you want to know when was your enemy online if you want to have more resources and so on. The possibilities are endless to spend money on Khanwars of madmoo.
In other words, the poor wretch is used in KhanWars of a few rich as a pawn in the game "farms" called. For every player can attack a player with 7 different levels, in reality, look it, it takes your army, for which you have trained soldiers for weeks (up to 18 minutes a knight-that means: 1000 Knights need 300 hours (!) or 12 days), may be gone in seconds. For various 6 Level means, here comes an army with 20,000 men and crumbles your army of 3,000 men, proud in seconds, and steal all the resources.
In addition, the help system of KhanWars or XS Software is extremly bad without much experience, you has no chance. And gather experience here is, spend money.
And the system is really well designed, or, in the hope dies last. If you want to do other castles, you will need aristocrats, first you think, a sufficient, then you realize that you need to even start with 5 nobles 10 attacks, a huge amount of time. For a nobleman you have 5 days to save (if you're not farmed the night, so as long), then this will take another 10 hours, and so on ....
And this is where you can really put a lot of money so that your troops are faster, the nobles are more motivated, which is 2 euros per attack is quickly spent (a castle need 10-15 attacks!), by 10 to 9 Castles. ... Around 180 euro. Since you spend only 2.99 or 9.99 euros, you feel it, of course, not immediately.
Why did I take two hours time to write at all? Now, by parents' day, the poor performance of some students were not discussed, and 5 five of his career but is badly compromised, and the net I have ever read anything negative from KhanWars. And with a playing time of 300 days of a full school year is gone.
etc., as KhanWars is represented very, very professionally on the Internet, ie They manipulate the appearance after the forums, for the positive portrayal there has nothing to do with reality!
Supposedly free online games - but real: nothing goes without a lot of money in Khan Wars!
I once had started the game 3 months ago KhanWars, thought, minimum time required for an online game and KhanWars costs nothing, so is fine.
Level 22, own alliance with 5 players, among the top 35 at the alliances formed.
Positive by KhanWars: Highly addictive, is cheaper entry, your money "only" donation (Tax sleep well)
Negative by KhanWars of money for all sorts of things to spend huge time in several weeks, negative influence of your private appointments in the final phase You think of nothing else
But honestly, if you wants to play top, is 10 euros per week nothing, and only those who PERMANENT is online, can conduct themselves in a war czar, and his best by 1 clock at night again online. And get up at 3 again, if you will be attacked. If you has no work or shirk school then it is ok....
Money to pay you when your troops are more likely to arrive, will be more motivated if you want to know when was your enemy online if you want to have more resources and so on. The possibilities are endless to spend money on Khanwars of madmoo.
In other words, the poor wretch is used in KhanWars of a few rich as a pawn in the game "farms" called. For every player can attack a player with 7 different levels, in reality, look it, it takes your army, for which you have trained soldiers for weeks (up to 18 minutes a knight-that means: 1000 Knights need 300 hours (!) or 12 days), may be gone in seconds. For various 6 Level means, here comes an army with 20,000 men and crumbles your army of 3,000 men, proud in seconds, and steal all the resources.
In addition, the help system of KhanWars or XS Software is extremly bad without much experience, you has no chance. And gather experience here is, spend money.
And the system is really well designed, or, in the hope dies last. If you want to do other castles, you will need aristocrats, first you think, a sufficient, then you realize that you need to even start with 5 nobles 10 attacks, a huge amount of time. For a nobleman you have 5 days to save (if you're not farmed the night, so as long), then this will take another 10 hours, and so on ....
And this is where you can really put a lot of money so that your troops are faster, the nobles are more motivated, which is 2 euros per attack is quickly spent (a castle need 10-15 attacks!), by 10 to 9 Castles. ... Around 180 euro. Since you spend only 2.99 or 9.99 euros, you feel it, of course, not immediately.
Why did I take two hours time to write at all? Now, by parents' day, the poor performance of some students were not discussed, and 5 five of his career but is badly compromised, and the net I have ever read anything negative from KhanWars. And with a playing time of 300 days of a full school year is gone.
etc., as KhanWars is represented very, very professionally on the Internet, ie They manipulate the appearance after the forums, for the positive portrayal there has nothing to do with reality!
McKay - 17. Feb, 16:20
2216 mal Gelesen